Friday, October 23, 2009

Cheddar Cat

There was a cat named Cheddar, he 's a yellow short haired domestic. He was named Cheddar by one of my children , because he's the color of cheddar cheese. Cheddar is sweet and playful, and is always willing to be handled and petted . I think he must have been a house cat that either got out and was lost , or someone put him out. When ever we feed the
feral cats in the neighborhood cheddar's one of the first cats on site. Cheddar was hit by
a car today and sustained a broken leg. My wife and son rushed him to the Brooklyn Animal
Shelter. They tended his leg and took him in.. But they said if he is not adopted chances are
they would have to euthanize him. The lives of feral cats are short and harsh , you can help , adopt a cat or dog today.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How to get your dog to obey

Have you had trouble getting your dog to obey your commands, well

don't be discouraged. You can train your dog to heed your commands

if you'll only show a little patience. One of the first things you have to

establish with your dog is that you are the owner and the dog is the pet.

If you display weakness in showing whose in charge your dog will sense

this and act accordingly.

Your dog wants you to be in charge , he has a pack mentality and will follow

if you will lead. Lets say you want your dog to sit or stay, you can ingrain

this lesson with a combination of hand gestures , dog treats and voice

commands. First stand in front of your dog and tell your dog to stay.

While doing this hold your hand out in front of your dog like a traffic cop

trying to halt oncoming traffic. Once you repeatedly apply these two

components together your dog will begin to respond. When your dog gives

you the response you want, reward him with a dog treat and loving petting,

as our canine friends love affection as much as treats.

If you want to discourage unwanted behavior in your dog the voice command,

hand gesture and treat combination can bring about the desired result. On

occasion you can also use a water bottle with a spray nozzle to act as a gentle

way to discourage your dog from negative behavior. Make sure the water in

the bottle is room temperature or cold. If your dog has the unwanted habit

of jumping on your couch or sofa you can discourage him from doing this

by saying down in a firm voice and pointing down to the floor at the same

time. If necessary you can give him a spray with the water.

As your dog begins to respond positively always remember to reward

your dog with treats and affection.

How to get your dog to obey to your commands when biting becomes an

issue. We know that a dog that bites is trouble waiting to happen. Its very

important to socialize your dog regarding proper behavior around other

people. We know that puppies put their mouths on everything, and some

time people are included. When pups bite one another too hard the one

bitten gives off a yipping or yelping sound to indicate pain. The offending

pup gets the message and stops biting. As humans we don't due too much

yipping or yelping but we can loudly say ouch! or loudly say no to the pup

and that should give the pup the message we're trying to convey. So you

can see that getting your dog to obey is well within your abilities if you

will remember to exercise patience and love.

Did you find the information contained here of help, follow the link for more tips you can use.Click Here!

Adopting Multiple Cats

If you're a cat lover , as I am, you may be considering adopting multiple cats to bring into your home.
I have owned cats since I was a child and over the years have had many cats. They have brought me
much joy and happiness , not to mention a contented peace of mind by their loving presence. At my
home we have two male cats that we adopted from the North Shore Animal League and we feed a
number of feral cats that frequent the neighborhood.

When adopting multiple cats patience is very important in bringing about a successful addition to the
household. In a natural and feral environment cats maintain large territories that can include forests ,
rural farmlands, urban gardens and yards. In these types of environments , cats hunt, explore and scavenge
for food in a solitary mode of operation . These cats don't as a rule seek out other cats for interaction. They
don't live in groups , usually not in pairs either . So taking into consideration this natural instinct for solitary
movement you can seen where bringing multiple cats into a new environment even if its your home may
be arduous.

If you already have a cat and are planing on adding more to your home there are some basic preparations
you'll need to make. When bringing in a new cat make sure you provide the new family member with all
their own needs. Such as their own food and water dish, a separate litter pan, their own bed and scratching post.
This will help the new cat establish their territorial parameters. The introduction of the new cat to your existing
cat should be gradual. It can take anywhere from 8 to 12 months for the cats to establish a peaceful coexistence.
They may become friends or they may learn to avoid one another. Some cats are very social and enjoy living
with other cats , while others prefer solitude. The determining factors will be the personalities of the cats themselves.

The initial meeting of the two cats should be done in a controlled environment. If two cats show signs of aggressive
behavior at their first contact, this may sow the seeds of future conflict. Its best to separate your existing cat from your
new cat at first. The two cats should not be able see or touch one another initially , but should be able to smell and hear
one another at first. Feed the two cats on opposite sides of the same door so that they learn that coming together can
denote a pleasant experience . Even though they cannot see one another they learn to associate meal time with the
other animal through sound and smell. In addition to their regular meals give them some cat treats near the door that
separates them as well. Little bits of chicken, tuna, cheese and salmon are good. After a few days switch the cats from
one side of the door to the other ,this gives the new cat a chance to see another part of the house and your resident cat
and new cat can become more familiar with each others scent.

Conventional wisdom suggests rubbing the cats separately with the same towel to intermix their scents. First gently rub
one cat with a towel. Then rub the other cat with the same towel. After both cats scents are on the towel bring it back to the
first cat and rub him or her with it again. Some days later play with each of the cats near the door. Try to get them to paw at
cat toys beneath the door. Ultimately they may paw back and forth with the toy among themselves thus furthering the socialization
process.You are now seeing signs of success starting to take seed. Things should be getting easier from here.

About a week into this process ,assuming you've seen no negatives thus far, hissing, growling or the like , you let the cats
see one another. Replace the door separating the cats with two child safety gates staked on top of one another in the door
jam. If you have a screen door this would make the process easier but screen doors are usually utilized on exterior doors
rather than partition doors. For this step you could use the help of a family member. Have a person and a cat on each side
of the temporary barrier. Start by setting each cat down a few feet away from the barrier. When the cats see one another say
their names and toss each of them treats behind them away from the barrier. Over the next few days continue offering treats
and meals closer to the barrier. Encourage play near the barrier as well.

The final stage in this process is to allow the cats to spend time together without the barrier in place. The best time for
these interactions to take place is after a meal or vigorous play. Have a squirt water bottle on hand and be ready to spray
the cats with water if any fighting should occur. You should closely monitor these periods initially until the cats have gotten
acclimated to one another. As time passes they should develop a normal relationship that will enhance your families home
and environment. And you'll know you made the right decision in adding a new member to the family. A Final Note:If you're
brining a new cat to household that already has multiple cats, introduce each of your existing cats to the new comer separately.
After each cat has gone through the introduction process you can allow them to mingle.

If you're a cat owner and have problems with your cat such as socialization issues or the like you'll find the answers you seek here.Click Here!