Does your dog bark incessantly and at the wrong times.
Well you are not alone, constant barking is one of the most
registered complaints of dog owners. But there are measures you can take to deter dog barking in your home.
Dog Training
Dog Training
Here are a few remedies you can take to quiet your dog:
With hold attention from your dog when he's barking.
In essence ignore your dog when he's barking, for as long
as is necessary to get him to stop the unwanted behavior.
Don't talk to him, definitely do not yell at him. He'll think
that you are barking along with him. If it takes an hour for
him to stop so be it. When he stops the offending behavior
reward him with a treat. You need to be consistent with this
approach, don't look at him or acknowledge him in any way
as long as he continues the noise , if he stops even momentarily reward him with a treat. As he begins to catch
on lengthen the amount of time it takes for him to be rewarded. You can make a game of it , tell him good dog
when he stops and pet him along with giving him a treat
to reward him for giving you the response you want.
For these techniques to work best everyone in your
household must be in accord with this training approach.
Consistency from family members regarding your dogs unwanted behavior will help your dog receive
his lessons in a manner
that will encourage a smooth progression in his learning
process. If your dog is prone to bark at passersby viewed
from your living room window handle this by drawing the
curtains or removing your dog to another room in the house. When you take your dog out for a walk and he barks
at an oncoming stimuli you can manage the situation with
a good supply of doggie treats. When an oncoming pedestrian causes your dog to bark try giving him a treat,
as the person moves out of range stop giving treats. By
doing this you can condition your dog to view oncoming
pedestrians as a pleasant encounter, not a threatening one.
This approach can work equally as well with approaching dogs. As you see a dog approaching you if
your dog begins to bark start feeding him yummy doggie
treats as the dog moves out of sight stop feeding him treats. It will probably take some time for this lesson to take
hold , but again consistency is key.
Get your dog to be quiet on command,paradoxically in
order to teach your dog to be quiet, you first have to get him
to bark. Command your dog to "speak", get a family member to do something you know will get your dog to bark. Perhaps knocking on the door will cause the dog to bark. Allow him to bark a few times then pat him on the head and give him a treat. Repeat as often as it takes for him to bark when you say "speak".
Dog Training
Dog Training
After you've gotten your dog to "speak" on command
then you can teach him to be "quiet" on command as well.
Place you dog in a quiet setting give him the command to
"speak", when he starts barking give him the command to
be "quiet" place a treat in front of his nose when he quiets
pet and praise him and give him treats. Repeat the process
until he's learned the lesson. As you can see dog ownership is an evolving process , you learn your dog as
he learns you. Make sure you get your dog plenty of out
door exercise, a dog that is bored is more likely to bark
for no obvious reason.A dog that gets sufficient mental
and physical stimulation is a good and happy dog.